2016年1月28日 星期四

taipei travel








  • 陽明山著名景點: 牛奶湖  冷水坑  夢幻湖 

七星公園  陽明公園

  • 詳細資料請搜尋:


2016年1月22日 星期五


p.89 中西的貿易衝突
原因: 新航路的發現

1.乾隆時, 貿易港口僅在廣州。
2. 外商和中國人合組~公行
結果: 中外貿易問題並未解決
原因: 天朝體制, 跪拜禮儀 爭議。

p.90 鴉片戰爭
中國出口品: 茶葉 絲綢 瓷器
利潤: 外國白銀
外商出口品: 鴉片
影響: 1.損害中國人健康
中國措施: 道光皇帝派林則徐--廣州查禁鴉片。

道光22年(1842) 中應簽訂--南京條約
1.賠款  割讓香港
2.開放廣州 廈門 福州 寧波 上海 5口

給予 1.協定關稅~破壞: 中國關稅自主權
2.領事裁判權~破壞:中國司法的獨立 完整。


7 JANUARY 2016

The factors lead to crop production decrease:
1. floods  2. droughts  3. extreme temperature


policymakers need robust scientific information to develop effective disaster risk management and 
adaptation interventions( e.i.: infrastructure, technology, management, and insurance)

The global warming and other related issues mainly decreased the global crop production. Extreme heat or cold, floods, and droughts are the essential factors. To face these problems, policymakers need more robust scientific information, researchers should  also offer more data sharing to the public for developing effective disaster risk management. The decline of global crop production also damaged the food systems and threaten food security, which are also some leading social issues that need improvement and adaptations.

2016年1月15日 星期五


  • 實施時間: 2016.1.21(W4)~~~2016.2.14(W7)


2.讀外文書 3 hrs

3.讀中文書 0.5 hr

4.先修國二下0.5 hr

5.國文閱測 10篇

6.雜誌研究1 hr


8.China Post 英文報紙 0.5 hr



2015年7月14日 星期二

New York Day 10

  Things I will do today is very challenging, perhaps not for all of the students in our class. Because I have never actually taken a speech before in my life, so I am very nervous, my heart rate become faster than ever( literally:) but it may be just an opinion,haha.)
  I keep thinking about a concept: I am just taking a speech, it isn't that hard, right??So I stand in front of the stage with my partner, and we began to talk about what we really concerned about. First, we talk about the advantages of 12 year education.1.12 year education let good students to study in various schools, not just famous schools, so every school has its good students, it is to help other schools that are far from the city.2. Students are more relaxing. They have fewer pressure 'cause when facing school homework .(but ya I denied this fact, I am just want to make out more advantages even though I couldn't think more of this policy)3.(negative//disadvantages): this only benefits the rich people, ((this policy requires students to be talented, to gain more point to a better high school, and also get good grades in academic subjects, this is really hard( I doubt only genius could succeed on doing this stuff), but poor people don't couldn't afford to learn other skills or talents.4.This policy of education is too complicated , especially are very worried about this situation.
  After 2 lessons of Laura's , there is still a class at 12:30, so after finishing my delicious lunch, I start my last lesson today, this was a new teacher, Kaitlyn, never heard of this special name. Our topic is : what is happening in NYC??And today we are talking about the rich and poor in NY, it sounds serious, we see some clips about NY, and we have discussions. An Argentina 15-year old girl sit beside me, at first, I think she is an unfriendly person, but later on we chat about the huge gap between the upper-classes and the lower-classes in NYC, I found that we both have different opinions of this issue. This is an common issue that also is happening worldwide, this is an ' economic cliff' which means rich people are getting richer, and poor people and getting even poorer, or they may already face poverty problems. And we should write down what we are going to do to help poor people in NYC. There are 3 main ideas I wrote down on my paper:1.to create more working chances. 2. To donate money, food, and other necessities.3.To educate students, 'cause education is the best way to help poor people to escape their familiar, but annoying life.

Writing definitions on the white board. I write the definition of 'child protection'.

Teacher Laura is saying about some jokes(humorous)

Writing stuffs //grammar

Pros and cons we are going to debate Thursday and Friday;)

That's teacher Kaitlyn, she is really young,she is only 23 years old now!!

Map of the property and homelessness in NYC

Gossip girl-the clip is to express the attitude of rich people.'My fairy godmother is my credit card'what the...

New York Day 9

  Today is Monday , a good day to start learning new things. We learn about various types of government, there are the main four kinds of governs.1. Democracy(that's what nearly everybody hope, to be free, without others to dominate and control us)2.dictatorship, that's what j hate the most, but still, in some African countries, dictators decide local people's fate, kinda the most painful kind of ways of living, if the dictator is a tyrant( nightmare...)3.monarchy, it is inherited by birth, for example, England is the most classical example of monarchy, but if the son of the king is a tyrant, then it isn't anything better than a dictator, good luck for those countries.4.theocracy, it is a religious authority, like Islamic State(IS), but many violations occurs between different religions, as everyone know in daily news(so I think democracy will be the best). 
  Then the next part we try to write what we are concerned about, this is a little bit harder then the previous lessons, 'cause we have to give a speech(2 people 1 issue),some of them talk about education, others talk of animal protections, marijuana, and other issues that is common and recently occurred in their own country.But we only have time to write down our ideas, research , and opinions, and Laura said that we could take a speech tomorrow.

Different countries, different governs, but we all have something in common: that we aren't satisfied with our government.( except Canada, so we are all considering to immigrant to Canada. Haha, just kidding!!

I am preparing for my speech, it is about 12 year education in Taiwan, and it is kind of confusing and complicating for students and parents:(

This book 'the coldest winter ever' is excellent, I think I am very into it:)))

Mott's 100% Apple juice( with minions on it:) that was the point (☆_☆)

I think we have this yogurt in Taiwan ' cause it feels familiar.

New York Day 8

  Today, as I my expectation, we go to  
Time Square, Fifth Avenue, which is near the Grand Central Terminal, so we go there by train, the Grand Central Terminal is known as one of the world's most beautiful train stations, and it is really a fact.
  Fifth Avenue, where rich people appear the most, is also famous. It is a long walk from Fifth Avenue to Time Square, really long, but as everyone knows New York is a big city, it requires strength and time to go to the next spot, but that doesn't make me feel miserable, 'cause every corner in New York is a picture of beauty, no one will doubt it.//but the streets are somehow a little dirty:)
  I buy 3 clothes, one is a t-shirt that represents New York, another one is an orange t-shirt with cute white spots, it is that perfect, and that is the one in Forever 21 that make me satisfied. And the other one is a blue and white strip uniqlo-shirt, it is simple, but pure.
  And then, after a long way back to the Grand Central Terminal, we are going back to EF, our dorm, and tomorrow we are going to have some lessons//Monday.

The Fifth Avenue:))// ladies

Grand Central Terminal //artistic,right??

Disney at Time Square(☆_☆)kawaii

I❤️NY Mickey Mouse ;)

The place where spider-man and electro battle, it is really intensive!!

The most famous tourism spot in New York(though every place in NY is unique)